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Let's Change your Financial Mindset

Unlock financial success on your terms by embracing the power of a personal Financial Performance Review (FPR) – just as big corporations strategize for growth and small businesses secure their existence, take control of your financial destiny and pave the way for a thriving future.

Want to be on the

FPR Channel?

Focus on reducing debt by streamlining your expenses and managing your financial obligations effectively.


Establish a budget by stabilizing your financial situation, balancing income and expenses for sustainable financial health.


Work towards creating wealth by strategizing your investments and financial decisions to maximize long-term growth.


The Story behind FPR

Motivated by his own experiences, John Korpecki founded The FPR channel to extend a helping hand to those facing financial challenges similar to his own. The FPR studio serves as a platform where diverse individuals openly discuss their financial journeys, allowing John to offer valuable insights. Through meticulous reviews and analyses, the team provides practical advice on reducing spending, boosting savings, and optimizing investment strategies. FPR not only sheds light on the financial struggles many encounter but also offers actionable solutions, fostering a community dedicated to achieving financial well-being.

The Action

The Fuel

Five years ago, John Korpecki found himself navigating the challenging terrain of debt, but this setback fueled his determination to create positive change. Fueled by his deep-rooted love for finances, John devised the SWIFT+ Financial Method, a transformative approach to personal finance. Since its inception, he has become a beacon of financial empowerment, guiding individuals out of debt and reigniting their enthusiasm for financial success. John's journey from financial adversity to empowerment exemplifies the impact of his innovative method, inspiring others to reclaim control over their financial destinies. 

We Use the SWIFT+ Thinking When It Comes to Finances





Focus on reducing debt by slashing unnecessary expenses and managing obligations wisely.

Establish a budget by weaving together your income and expenses, creating a cohesive financial plan.

Work towards creating wealth by investing strategically and diversifying your financial portfolio.

Continuously fine-tune your budget and financial strategies for optimal results.

Meet the Team


+ (Plus)

Strive to thrive financially by making informed decisions and pursuing opportunities for growth.

Expanding your investment portfolio through diversification allows you to spread risk and increase the potential for long-term financial growth by investing in a variety of assets and markets. 

Meet the Team

Be a Channel Guest

Fill out the Application

Take the first step towards a brighter financial future by filling out the application for FPR! We invite individuals from all walks of life to share their financial journeys on our channel. Whether you're navigating debt, striving for better budgeting, or aiming to build wealth, our host, John Korpecki, is here to provide insightful reviews and personalized advice. Join the community of financial empowerment—apply now to have your story featured and receive  guidance on your path to financial success!

Show Time

If selected, you'll receive an exclusive invitation to our studio for a personalized financial journey on FPR. Sit down with our host, John Korpecki, on camera to delve into a detailed analysis of your finances. Together, we'll craft a tailored plan to guide you on the path to financial success. This unique opportunity ensures that your story and financial aspirations take center stage, offering not only a chance for personal growth but also inspiring others in our community. Get ready to showcase your financial resilience and embark on a transformative experience towards a more secure and prosperous future!

It’s all about a dialogue

A few words from others. 

Struggling with overspending, Sarah turned to FPR for guidance. John's careful review of her finances led to a revamped budgeting strategy. Sarah diligently followed the plan, and within months, she experienced a significant increase in savings. Sarah's success story highlighted the impact of disciplined budgeting and inspired viewers to reevaluate their own spending habits for financial growth.

Sarah P., 28

David, an aspiring entrepreneur, joined FPR seeking guidance on investing his modest savings. John's expert analysis provided clarity, and David implemented strategic changes to his portfolio. A year later, David returned to the show to share his success—his investments had not only grown substantially but also paved the way for the launch of his own business. David's journey showcased the transformative power of smart financial decisions.

David L., 26

Maria, a dedicated nurse and single mother, shared her financial struggles on FPR. Through John's insightful analysis, Maria developed a comprehensive plan to tackle her debt. Fast forward a year, and Maria proudly announced her debt-free status on a follow-up episode. Her story resonated with viewers, inspiring them to take charge of their own financial destinies.

Maria F., 33





Some Useful Tools We Use

Founder & Host of FPR

John Korpecki

 Senior Financial Analyst 

Caleb Wong

 Executive Producer

Gabriella Moreno

Lead Editor

Jordan Scott

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